Since this is the first time for me to use spring-boot project running in the docker with MySQL database, I use a lot of Yuan Ji’s work for reference, you can also read his web page directly.
In the learning of this project, I have met with many difficulties. To help others have a better understanding of spring-mysql running on the docker. I decide to write it down and you can find the demo project at GitHub.
These steps are as follows
1.Clone the project:
2.Run MySQL in Docker container:
- -name demo-mysql to assign a name to the container.
- -e to pass environment variables to the container, and create a demo database with a user demo-user and password. This user will be granted superuser permissions for the demo database.
- -p 3306:3306 to expose MySQL port to the local host.
- -d to tell Docker to daemonize the container and keep it running.mysql:5.6 to download MySQL 5.6 Server image from Docker public repo if not in your computer yet.
3.Check the log to make sure MySQL is running OK
And you can access the server by localhost:3307/demo,the database instance is “demo”, the user is “demo_user” and the password is “demo_pass”.
4.Maven package and demo application docker build:
5. Run demo application MySQL in Docker container and link to demo-mysql:
6. Check the log to make sure Server is running OK
7. Test the whole project
Open in browser and you should see the message
Open in browser and you should see the message
This is the end!